"It always disturbed me though, as to where any matter came from to begin with. [the human idea that something doesn't come from nothing]"
That is understandable. Our intuitive perception of what is possible is based on our everyday life experiences at the macro-scale. But scientific observations show that what takes place at the quantum scale is very counter-intuitive. This is why common sense cannot be applied to the subject of the origin of matter and the universe. We have to apply unbiased Math and Physics - "exotic sense", if you will. When applied, Mathematically and Scientifically feasible explanations for the origin of life emerge, without the need for any gods.
Also think about this: if the origin of matter seems like an insurmountable incongruity, what about the origin of god? Which is more incongruous - the spontaneous origin of simple finite particles at the quantum level; or the notion of a complex ever-existing God without beginning or end? To me, using an unbeginning, ever-existing god to explain the incongruity of the universe's origin is comparable to someone borrowing 1 million dollars to pay off a 1 hundred dollar debt.
Here's something to ponder on to help you appreciate why you cannot use common sense to dismiss science that seems counter-intuitive. There are/were people living in remote jungle locations having no access to or knowledge of modern technology and science. When they are first contacted by people from the outside modern world, they are perplexed by things we take for granted. Their "common sense" is completely ignorant of modern science so the marvels of modern technology is invariably interpreted by them as magic and as a result they may even briefly think of their modern visitors as being gods.
The lesson in this is that we cannot put our own sense of what is possible or impossible above what scientific research and experimentation reveals. Our own sense of possibility is limited by our ignorance. Thus we cannot use common sense to guide us in understanding the exotic things that do not comprise everyday happenings. We cannot use common sense to determine the best explanation for the origin of the universe and life. We have to use science. If we limit ourselves to common sense, then in ignorance, we will find ourselves, like the scientifically primitive jungle dwellers, resorting to fallacious explanations that involve magic and gods.